Friday, April 30, 2010

Global bake sale is 'sweet' vegan activism

Really nice little piece on the second annual global vegan bake sale on CNN! Must confess I am not exactly sure what this is (someone please feel free to write in and let me know) but it apparently involves dessert, so yay! I love to cook/bake, so if someone gives me a heads-up next year I'd also love to participate if possible. Also, Hen House blog founders Mariann Sullivan and Jasmin Singer - who was interviewed for the story - are asking folks to go onto the site and recommend the link to others. So if you have time, please do.

Meanwhile... the Chicago Diner (vegan) Ginger Molasses cookies on my counter are calling my name... I know, I know, it is 10:00 at night already and I really shouldn't eat anything else... but I am quite sure I hear "Amy, Amy" wafting out of my kitchen... really only one way to silence that, you know...

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