Monday, April 5, 2010

Who would give Sarah Palin her own show?

If you guessed Fox, you would be way off. It looks like Discovery Communications wants a piece of Palin's celebrity. Sarah Palin has been shopping around to have her show, Sarah Palin's Alaska, put on air. Discovery won the bid and will pay Palin over $1 million per episode for the 8-episode travelogue premiering on TLC. It will be produced by Mark Burnett, the reality TV guru. Each episode will "reveal Alaska’s powerful beauty as it has never been filmed, and as told by one of the state’s proudest daughters,” according to Peter Liguori, Discovery’s chief operating officer.

The Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund have created a petition to urge Discovery to drop the show. Palin has proven, time and again, to not have the best interests of Alaska's environment at heart. While in office, the former governor fought against increased protections for endangered whales and America's dwindling populations of polar bears in favor of oil and gas development, supported dangerous drilling for oil in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, and escalated Alaska's brutal aerial wolf-killing program.

Sign the PETITION and tell Discovery Communications that Sarah Palin doesn't deserve to represent the "powerful beauty of Alaska" in front of millions of people.

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