Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Supreme Court ok's the fox running the hen house...

In a couple of ragingly pro-business decisions earlier this week...

the Supreme Court ruled that only arbitrators, not the courts, have the power to decide whether an arbitration agreement is unconscionable (aka: inherently unfair). This is expected to be bad, bad news for consumers and employees, who are increasingly confronted with arbitration clauses in all sorts of business dealings. Anyone care to take any bets on any arb agreement anywhere ever being unenforceable ever again?...

The Court also lifted a nationwide ban on genetically engineered seeds. Also potentially very dubious news for consumers, given the claims that such seeds might be harmful to the environment.

No, none of this directly has anything to do with animal law. But it's important (not to mention disheartening). Here are links to a few articles in the Chicago Tribune, Washington Post and The National Law Journal in case you would like to read more.

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